The future of trading is already here.

“If it’s publicly traded, liquid and amenable to modeling, we trade it”

- Jim Simmons -

We generally follow this philosophy and you will be surprised what “amenable to modelling” applies to in the brave new world of big data and cloud computing.

- Sonic head of trading -
About Sonic

Sonic team (and Gravaton leadership) at Gravaton conference October 2021

The $6 trillion dollar currency liquidity pool that is traded daily lends itself to a better approach, one that automatically capitalises on the natural volatility and inefficiencies that exist as a result of human needs and emotions.

At Sonic, we have built and continue to refine a set of high-frequency trading algorithms that exploit every statistically non-random inefficiency that can conceivably be detected in the currency market. We think of it as grabbing a surf board when rough seas present themselves and riding the waves that provide the best return to shore.